50+ Slow Cooker Desserts
As a super busy mom, I really dread spending too much time cooking. I love cooking, don’t get me wrong, but there’s so many days where it’s just not going to fit into the time I have. That’s why I absolutely LOVE my slow cooker! But did you know that you can make more than just dinner with it? That’s right, you can make delicious desserts, as well! To help get you started, here’s 52+ Slow Cooker Desserts!
That’s right, fabulous desserts with very little effort! You just may be wishing you had a larger slow cooker so you could make even MORE! I can’t help with the size of your cooker, but now you’ve now got 52+ Slow Cooker Desserts….that’s one every week for a year! You’re welcome 😉
Triple Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding Cake
Chocolate Coconut Peanut Butter Balls
Copy Cat Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies
Molten Chocolate Lava Mud Cake
White Chocolate Candy Corn Fudge
Pumpkin Pie Custard, Sugar Free
Mini Salted Caramel Mocha Cheesecakes
Quite the selection of Slow Cooker Desserts, right?! I love using my slow cooker, and now with cold weather hitting will be pulling it out even more often! My kitchen is sure gonna smell delicious!
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