Appetizer, Home & Life, Recipes

Easy Lox Recipe at Home – Surprise Your Family!

Lox is the favorite recipe for many Americans and usually, it is kind of pricey. The reason behind this is that lox is made from expensive ingredients such as salmon. Not just that, but the preparation costs for Lux also add up. This is why it’s always a great idea to make your own lox at home. Your family is going to love it and believe me, you will save a fortune in the end.

If you are worried that lox is not an easy recipe to prepare at home, then you should be pleased to know that this is not the case. You can cook lox from the comfort of your kitchen and the taste will be just as good, if not better than the lox prepared at fancy restaurants. With that said, check out the easy lox recipe at home below.


Required Ingredients

  • 1 cup of kosher salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ½ bunch dill (steamed and leaves washed);
  • One ½ 2lbs salmon filet (boneless, with the skin on).

Cooking Instructions

The first step is to rinse the salmon filet and to remove all the pin moves. The best way to do this is to use small pliers or tweezers to pull out the bones without pinching your fingers. You should always pull the bones the same direction they face. Now, cut the salmon in half.

Use a bowl to mix the salt and sugar. Take out a plate and place the mixture equally on each half of the salmon. Don’t worry if it seems like there is too much mixture, you can pile it on the salmon because it will be absorbed during the curing process. Now, place the dill on top and tightly wrap the salmon pieces with a plastic wrap.

Place the salmon into a gallon-sized Ziploc back and make sure to push all the air. The next step is to place the salmon in a shallow dish and refrigerate them with weights on top. The curation takes two to three days. You should drain any liquid that has been extracted from the salmon each night and then flip the pieces over.

You can begin tasting the salmon after two days. When the salmon has the desired taste, you can go ahead and remove the plastic wrap. I highly recommend eating lox with a fresh bagel, onion and lemon.

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