Pirate Party: Part One
It’s been almost a month since Green Lantern’s 3rd birthday, and I’m finally ready to share his Pirate Party with you! There was a quite a bit, so today I’ll be sharing the games and activities we did!
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Better late than never, right? After the party was over, I got so busy doing the boys’ Pirate Bedroom that I just let his Pirate Party sit on the back burner for awhile. I guess this way we have a couple weeks filled with Pirate fun, right?!
Even with all the exciting stuff for his party, Green Lantern was in the wrong mood for a party that afternoon. We’d be like ‘time to open presents’ and our stubborn 3-year-old says ‘I too busy’! Seriously, what a pill! Once we convinced him to join in, though, he couldn’t get enough of the fun! We didn’t do a lot of complex activities at this Pirate Party, since it was geared towards 3-year-olds, but most of it can be changed up for any age level!
Walk the Plank
It doesn’t get much more simple than this, but the kids thought it was a blast! Just get a long board (make sure it’s sturdy…don’t want injured kids) and something to prop up the ends on. We used some extra bricks. The blow up Tick-Tock-Croc was from Amazon (and came with rings for a toss game….see below what we used them for).
Hook Toss
I quickly colored stripes on a plain poster board, cut holes and stuck three hooks through (ordered on Amazon), and then used the rings that came with ol’ Tick-Tock-Croc for a fabulous game of toss. The youngest friends (under 2 year olds) hung out by this the majority of the time, putting the rings on, taking them off, putting them on….it was super cute!
Make a Pirate Face
I found this awesome stick book at Walmart for a few bucks. It has a LOT of pages of pirate characters, then you use the included sticker sheets to make your own with eyes, noses, mustaches, skulls, and other pirate stuff! Some of the kids wanted their pirate to look ‘the right way’, others turned out quite unique!
Take Yer Photo – Photo Booth
Since the kids were moving around so much during the Pirate Party, I was so glad I did a spot for a photo booth. That way, I actually got SOME photos that weren’t blurry from all the jumping and running! I just used cheap $1 tablecloths in red, white and black hanging on the wall for the backdrop. For the banner, I cut out black and red poster board, taped each to some rope (thought that was more fitting than ribbon), and put skull stickers on them.
Dig for Treasure
My wonderful neighbor let us borrow her little sand box for this activity. We filled it with sand, but put some pirate treasure in there for the kids to dig up! You can get simple pirate things such as skull rings, ‘jewels’, or other small items. It helped to have a list of how many of what each child could get, so one person didn’t end up with ALL the rings or jewels!
DIY Treasure Chests
For this one, you’ll need a bunch of empty wipe containers. I spray painted them gold with Rust-Oleum’s Metallic Gold spray paint. The kids then used glue, glue dots and/or tape to attach jewels to their ‘treasure chests’. They were able to use these to take home some of their ‘booty’ from the digging for treasure activity!If using normal glue, I’d suggest doing this activity near the beginning to allow time for it to dry.
Sing Happy Birthday
Okay, so I know that’s a huge ‘DUH’ activity for the birthday, but I had to put it so I could show you this photo…..THIS was Green Lantern’s attitude for the party! While everyone was singing happy birthday to him, with candles lit on the cake, he sat there with his hand flat over his face. Yup, told ya, MAJOR PILL!
Stay tuned for PART TWO of our Pirate Party, where I’ll share all the decor, fun food and Free Printables! Oh – and the coolest pirate thank you gift EVER: Lollipics!
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