How to Plan Summer When you Homeschool
Summer is pretty predictable when your kids attend public school, but many are not sure how to plan summer when you homeschool! Maybe you’ll take time off, maybe you’ll work year-round, or perhaps a combo. Either way, it’s likely that schedules will be a bit different – so here’s some tips to help.
As a homeschooling parent, you have more control over when and how you educate your kids, but it’s pretty normal that summer will interfere at least SOME with your regular plans.
Here are some basic tips to plan summer when you homeschool:
1: Decide if you will break for the summer – Will you go all year round, or will you take some weeks off in the summer months? This is the most important first step to determine. If you go all year, you won’t need to change your schedule very much. If you break, you will need to plan for that and adjust your schedule accordingly.
2: Determine what time you will doing certain things – When will you wake? When will you eat lunch? Will the kids nap or are they too old for naps? When is dinner and bedtime? Making your summer schedule involves knowing when you will be doing these important things.
3: Plan your summer schedule – Now sit down and write out the full summer schedule. Remember to remain flexible, but having a schedule in writing helps everyone know what to expect so things go more smoothly in summer, and all year long. This also helps for adding in any fun vacations or outings you may have.
Now that you know more about how to plan summer when you homeschool, you’re ready to get started! Whether the summer has already started for you, or you’re just getting a head start on next year, it’s good to have a game plan in place so everyone knows what to expect.
If you homeschool, how do YOU do summers?
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