Main Dish

Simple Chicken Enchiladas

I love simple, don’t you? Simple cleaning, simple scheduling, simple budgets…and especially simple cooking! These Simple Chicken Enchiladas are wonderful for those busy nights (isn’t that every night?) when you want a really flavorful meal, but just don’t have the time!
Simple Chicken Enchiladas / Busy Mom's Helper

Holy cow, guys, our bad luck with Spring Break continues this year! Last year, we went to Disneyland and ended up with the flu….the entire time! (needless to say I’m dying to go back so my kids can have GOOD memories of that place) This year, we’ve got lice, and colds, and bad allergies. Oh, and one of the boys was throwing up all Sunday. Ya – I may start protesting Spring Break! 

So to try and make the most of this week, I’m cooking up a storm. Be prepared for many more yummy recipes like this one! Oh, plus plenty of sugar, of course!

1 can Tomato Soup (14.4 oz.)
1 pack Enchilada Sauce (1.24 oz)
3 Chicken Breasts, cooked and shredded
2 Roma Tomatoes, diced
1 cup Water
1 tbsp. Garlic, minced
3 tbsp. Green Onion, diced
1-2 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
9-18 small Flour Tortillas (depending on how ‘tall’ you want your dish)

Preheat oven to 425 Degrees F. Spray or line a deep 9×18 casserole dish, set aside. 

Mix all of the ingredients (except the tortillas and cheese) in a bowl. 

Spread a TINY amount of the mixture along the bottom of the pan. Add a layer of tortillas (about 3). Add a layer of sauce (about 1/2 – 1 cup, depending on depth desired), then another layer of tortillas. Continue for 3-6 layers each, depending on your preference. I do 6 layers of each, as pictured.

Top with shredded cheese.

Cover with foil and cook for 30-45 minutes. Remove foil and continue cooking another 15-30 minutes, or until hot and bubbly in the center.


Note: I add sour cream with mine.


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