Disney, Printable

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets

Hubby and I got to attend an early screening for the new Avengers movie, and I was a tad worried because I had such high expectations for it. I was totally BLOWN AWAY by how awesome it was – and it’s now my new favorite! We loved it so much, we took the whole family on opening night. You can get YOUR family involved with the Marvel fun with these Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

Any of you regulars here at Busy Mom’s Helper know what HUGE superhero fans we are, so it’s no surprise that when I told Hubby that we were invited to see the show early, he pretty much did a happy dance! We’ve been anticipating this for so long – and are even tracking for the next 4 years of scheduled Marvel movies. It’s gonna be GREAT! Anywho….I loved the humor they add into these movies, and it starts right at the beginning all the way through. It doesn’t distract from the action or seriousness, but adds so much.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

I really enjoyed learning more about many of the heros’ pasts, such as Hawkeye and Black Widow. I never would’ve guessed Hawkeye’s ‘real life’ – and although I did like him just fine before this, now I have an entirely new understanding of him and his personality, priorities and commitment to the team.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

Also, there’s chemistry going on between Black Widow and Bruce Banner, which really brings a whole new dimension to explore!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

I knew from the previews (which we watched way more times than I should admit) that Ultron was going to be super-cool, with an amazing amount of detail – but I had no idea the personality they’d be able to show with him! When a highly intelligent, evil-as-they-come robot can make you laugh out loud, you know it’s a must-see movie!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

My kiddos were anxious to see the Hulk Buster in this, since it gives clips during the previews, and Joss Whedon didn’t disappoint at all! The CG, the action, the highly loved humor was all included in this show-down between Iron Man and The Hulk.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

There’s plenty of new characters added, which makes it even more exciting and nerve-racking waiting for the coming movies! You’ve got Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, referred to as ‘The Twins’ during this film. ‘He’s fast and she’s weird’, as Agent Hill so eloquently described them.  Their personal stories and actions during the film really help add to it. I really enjoyed the interactions between Hawkeye and Quicksilver!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

You also get The Vision! I practically squealed out loud when he came around, and I’m seriously in admiration of actor Paul Bettany for his amazing performance!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

There’s still the original crew, fabulous as ever! It’s always nice to have a bit of Godly eye-candy, so here you go….

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

You’re welcome. Even though I hear there’s lots of people upset by the role of Black Widow in this, I personally believe that it was incredible, showing her as such a strong individual – perhaps even more so than her fellow Avengers because she has no ‘extra powers’! Even though her showing more emotion than is typical for her character may upset some, I loved that it showed she still had feelings and wanted relationships. Scarlett Johansson has been, and still is, one of my favorite actresses – and my daughter’s role model!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

Even after seeing it twice in three days, I was even more in love with this film the second time than the first – and can’t wait to see it AGAIN! I’m truly looking forward to more upcoming Marvel movies….just keeping my fingers crossed Wasp comes into play at some point (that’s my superhero in my family)!

Coloring Pages – Download Here

Matching Game – Download Here

Avengers: Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets and Memory Game / Busy Mom's Helper

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