
How To Remove Chalk Marker From Chalkboard? Easy Steps Explained

Thanks to liquid chalk’s rising popularity, it is easy to find a type that matches your needs. In addition to a variety of colors and finishes, chalk markers can be customized with different nibs.

Chalk pens can be used by creative parents, artists, teachers, and business owners to express their creativity. Markers and chalk are the same, right? What about cleanup? Both can be erased as long as the right surface is used. It is easier to clean up markers.

How To Remove Chalk Marker From Chalkboard

All surfaces that are non-porous or sealed can be written on with chalk markers, including glass, ceramic, and of course whiteboards. Besides their erasable features, these chalks come with a couple of other benefits.

The materials used to make chalk pens vary, however. Wet cleaning is sometimes necessary. As opposed to regular chalk, the pigments in chalk pens don’t fade as easily. To remove the marks completely, you may need to use a melamine foam eraser or a window cleaner.

What Is A Chalk Marker?

What Is A Chalk Marker

Chalk markers, chalk pens, or chalk ink are writing instruments that produce chalky lines. Colorful, powdery inks are used to create their vibrant finish. Sometimes chalk markers are called “liquid chalk” because they use ink rather than powder.

Though these markers have the word “chalk” in their name, they don’t contain any chalk. Liquid chalk is deposited into a porous tip or nib on the inside of the marker. There are an endless number of colors, sizes, and nibs available for these chalk markers.

Are Chalk Markers & Regular Chalk The Same?

Chalk Marker vs Regular Chalk

Blackboards and whiteboards are no longer the only tools for teachers, students, and artists today. Chalk markers are versatile tools. They can be used on virtually any surface.

Markers produce more vivid and opaque lines than regular chalks, but both are available in many colors. These markers use pigment-based inks.

The liquid chalk ink eventually dries when it comes in contact with the air when you draw or write with it. A wet towel is required to remove the ink from the surface because this binds the ink to the surface.

Where Should You Use Chalk Markers?

Use Chalk Markers

For best results, chalk markers should be used on surfaces that are not porous, such as glass, metal, or non-porous chalkboards. Any ink that seeps into porous surfaces, such as wood, paper, and so forth, can be trapped by those tiny openings.

The problem is almost always caused by this, which explains why it is so frustratingly difficult to resolve.

Shadows from ink don’t appear on the surface – they’re within! If you can’t reach something you can’t erase it. Due to the importance of chalkboard surfaces, you need to be aware of different types of chalkboards.

The surface you will be using your markers or chalk sticks on is another factor to consider. You cannot use regular chalk on all surfaces.

These are specifically designed for chalkboards. Chalk markers are, however, suitable for all surfaces that are not porous or sealed.

Different Chalkboard Types For Using Chalk Markers

Different Chalkboard Types For Using Chalk Markers

If you want to avoid having to guess how to get a chalk pen writing erased from a chalkboard, the first thing you need to do is understand the type of chalkboard you are writing on.

It is easy to differentiate between chalk and a chalk pen. An easy way to tell whether it’s a chalk marker or a normal chalk is to examine it closely.

On the other hand, the nonporous and porous characteristics of chalkboards will require you to do some further investigation. Always make sure you have the best tool for your craft. If you’re making waist beads, make sure you have the very best waist bead thread for the project!

Slate Chalkboard

Chalkboards made of slate are non-porous. These materials, however, have an uneven and rough surface compared to other non-porous materials. This means that they cannot create ghosting effects on chalk.

Plastic Chalkboard

Chalkboards made of PVC and acrylic are the most widely used chalkboard type even till now. However, ‘ghosting’ remains on the surface even though the surface is comparatively smooth.

Chalkboard Made From Porcelain Sheet

Porcelain is a non-porous material and boards made from this material are very expensive. There is no doubt that chalkboards made from it are renowned for their performance and quality. However, it is a costly product.

MDF Wood In Chalkboard Paint Coat

There are many types of chalkboards, but this is the cheapest. Since formal education became standardized, there have been MDF chalkboards.

It is another term for medium-density fiberboard and one of the wood types commonly found in furniture making and home construction. Because of the paint coating applied, it’s possible to write on it, but that doesn’t change its porous surface.

How To Remove Chalk Marker From a Chalkboard?

Remove Chalk Marker From a Chalkboard

While chalk pens have a chalkboard-like name, they do not clean off painted surfaces easily. To draw or write, you need liquid chalk, which is ink that comes into contact with air and subsequently dries. A wet towel is often necessary to remove the ink from the surface because it becomes glued to the surface.

Getting rid of marks from non-porous chalkboards is no problem because they have a smooth surface. Cleaning porous surfaces is a different story. We recommend the following solutions for removing chalk pens from chalkboards.

Step 1: Use A Lint Cloth

Clean chalkboards and glasses with a lint-free white cloth and chalkboard cleaner. In place of glass cleaner and a cloth, you can use wet wipes to clean your chalkboards.

Step 2: Wipe

Apply gentle pressure to the damp cloth to remove the ink. The surface should be completely dry before you write again.

Step 3: Melamine Foam Eraser

A melamine foam eraser can be used to remove remaining chalk ink-stained areas. After you have rubbed the chalk ink residue with your eraser, wet a corner, wring out the excess water, and then gently blot with your eraser.

You shouldn’t apply too much pressure, or it might remove some of the paint from the chalkboard. Make sure the area is completely dry before continuing.

Step 4: Seasoning The Board

Using a piece of white chalkboard chalk, rub the surface of the chalkboard after it has dried.

Instead of rubbing the tip of the chalk over the board, roll the side of the chalk over the adjacent areas. Use a damp cloth to clean up any chalk residue afterward.

Tips For Erasing Chalkboard Markers | Alternatives

Tips For Erasing Chalkboard Markers

After every few scrubs, you may need to wipe down your board with a dry rag or towel, so you do not risk letting the chalk smear dry. Similarly, there are other alternatives. Let’s check them out.

Ammonia-Based Removers

Products containing ammonia are commonly used as household cleaners. Although they are safe when used properly, a slight error or a prolonged exposure might spell trouble.

Magic Eraser

You might have heard of magic erasers. The sponges generally have white color and are often used to remove wall markings.

These inexpensive micro-scrubbers are great for removing stubborn stains such as chalk pen residues. The product can be reused multiple times; however, people with sensitive skin should not use it.

Using Windex

When magic erasers aren’t available, ‘Windex’ sounds like a pretty good alternative. The only catch is that in order to remove the remaining markings completely, you must use it repeatedly.


Even after the chalk pen markings have been removed with magic erasers, there will still be residue left behind.

For completely removing the markings, white vinegar is a great alternative to soaking your magic eraser in water. Apart from cleaning faster, white vinegar is also effective at disinfecting chalkboards.

Precautions To Remove Chalk Markers from Your Chalkboard

The following precautions can help you avoid having to use chemistry every time you want to remove chalk markers from your chalkboard.

Using chalk markers on porous surfaces is a bad idea. Use traditional chalk instead if you know you’re writing on a porous surface.

Use a chalk marker to test whether you can easily erase a mark if you’re not sure if your chalkboard surface is porous or not. A porous surface cannot be erased easily, and it would be difficult to repair.

You can remove that stubborn afterimage from chalkboards by seasoning them before using chalk markers. Ink will come right off the board when you season it because the surface fills up the pores.

Frequently Asked Questions

#1. What is “ghosting” of a chalk marker?

There are times when chalk marker ink can’t be fully removed from surfaces, leaving traces or a ghost of what was previously drawn. Whenever you create a new artwork, this stain “haunts.” This irritates and even frustrates you to no end. It’s always possible to save your chalk marker nightmare by solving the problem and bringing happiness to your pupils.

#2. Why chalkboard markers not coming off?

It’s chalkboard time! Draw a fancy design on your new chalkboard. Write down the special of the day. If you try to erase it with a paper towel or rag, it won’t come off. You can’t get rid of it no matter how hard you scrub. To figure out why your chalkboard markers won’t come off, let’s examine the cause first. Chalkboard markers may stick to the chalkboard for two different reasons.

#3. Should I use chalkboard paint before using chalk markers?

There is a substantial difference in the composition of chalkboards. Many people are successful in using these markers on various chalkboard types without shadowing. Nonetheless, there are exceptions. It is common for people to re-paint their chalkboards periodically to keep it looking fresh. Dry erase coatings are sometimes used on chalkboards to seal them. Clear sealer prevents you from seeing it yet allows markers to be removed easily.

#4. How do you get chalk marker off without magic eraser?

There are a few ways to get chalk marker off without a magic eraser. One way is to use a wet cloth and some dish soap. Rub the cloth over the writing until it comes off. Another way is to use vinegar. Pour the vinegar over the writing and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, wipe it away with a damp cloth.

Final Words

Unlike porous surfaces, non-porous surfaces are smooth, so erasing marks is not a problem. Porous surfaces, on the other hand, can be tedious to clean. The recommended solutions might be familiar to you by now, but you still need to learn how to clean them.

The hassle of having to clean up the chalk marks after every use is quite tedious. Imagine how the chalkboard will look throughout the day if you are using it for a morning discussion. Now that you know how to remove chalk markers from a chalkboard, you won’t have to worry about that anymore.

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