Kid Friendly, Parenting

Consequence Chart for Moms and Kids

Hey, ladies!  It’s Lynn, back today to share something with you that has been so helpful for me: a Consequence Chart for Moms and Kids.  It’s really very simple but will go a long way toward saving a busy mom’s sanity! (originally shared June 2015)

Consequence Chart for Moms and Kids by Riggstown Road for Busy Mom's Helper

As parents, we have to handle all kinds of situations with our children, and discipline is just part of our job.  Using this tool will help you know what to do in those frazzled moments when you don’t know what to do!  This handy little consequence chart will cut down on frustration for moms and kids.

When my oldest kids were young (and my youngest were even younger), I found that I got frustrated trying to decide what to do about each little incident that occurred.  I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s hard for me to think of a creative, effective consequence for a behavior while several other things are going on around me (and possibly several other children are needing my attention, as well.)  I wanted the punishment to fit the crime, if you will, and to be well thought out and (here’s a biggie) consistent.  It was hard to achieve all those things with just knee-jerk reaction discipline.  Even when I thought of a really good idea, I didn’t always remember it when the time came that I needed it.

Enter the handy-dandy little consequence chart.  I decided I needed a plan.  I am a planner and a list-maker, so I put those things together to decide how I would handle misbehavior.  I first ordered a chart similar to this from a curriculum company I liked, but later made my own and liked it better.

Consequence Chart for Moms and Kids by Riggstown Road for Busy Mom's Helper

It’s the best 15 minutes I’ve ever invested, and it’s free!  Here are the simple steps to making your own Consequence Chart:

  1. Whenever you notice a behavior you want to address, jot it down.
  2. Think about what you believe would be an appropriate consequence for that behavior, and for the age of your child(ren).  Discuss these with Dad and make sure you agree.  (Get creative- use your favorite parenting book for tips!)
  3. List the misbehaviors and their corresponding consequences on some diy graph paper.  (I used pencil to fill in the blanks, to allow for tweaking later.
  4. Hang the chart in a place of importance  (the fridge, of course.)
  5. Gather your kids and explain the if-then nature of your chart.  (If they are old enough, give them a chance to voice questions or concerns.)

*The chart shown is for illustration purposes only.

Consequence Chart for Moms and Kids by Riggstown Road for Busy Moms Helper

When the next situation occurs, you and your child can “take a trip to the chart” to see what needs to happen.  Speaking from experience, this cuts down on stress for mom while helping kids have a clear understanding of expectations.  You can also add things to the list when you notice something that needs to be addressed, and change consequences that don’t seem to be effective, thus the pencil. (Just be sure the kids understand the changes you’ve made.)  This simple little chart has been a real life-saver for me over at  Riggstown Road, where I’m always on the lookout for creative ways to do things.

I’d love to hear your ideas on what to do when you don’t know what to do, too!

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