How to Create a Homeschool Area in your Existing Space
When you homeschool, you’re going to collect more teaching aids, books, papers, lesson plans, arts and crafts, and other related items than you’ve ever had before. You’re going to need someplace to put all this stuff, which can be frustrating when you have limited space in your house. Here’s a few tips and ideas on How to Create a Homeschool Area in Your Existing Space to give you a little help.
Create multipurpose rooms – Maybe your garage can double as a gym, and your dining room can double as a space for homework and art projects. Try to look beyond the typical room ‘assignments’ and come up with what works best for you. We currently have our ‘formal’ dining room as an office, and use our breakfast area as our only dining spot.
Make it livable – You might try to create a homeschool area inside a small portion of your home such as a small home office, a sitting room, or even a closet (at least for storage). If it’s not livable and practical with the rest of your home, it’s not going to work long term and will only cause more stress and frustration.
Work with the things you have – You don’t need brand new furniture, expensive student desks, or fancy gadgets to make your homeschool space work for your students. You can work with the things you already have, and you can use old furniture and other thrift store items to create your own workable homeschool area.
Have lots of storage – You can never have too much storage in a homeschool (well, you probably can – but I doubt many of us have reached that point yet!). Seriously, boxes and bins are your friends. You can work with the space you have when you maximize it with great storage solutions. And labels – don’t make it a nightmare to find what you need WHEN you need it!
Build around your goals – Don’t obsess over those homeschool spaces you see on Pinterest, or even what another family is doing. Build your space around the goals YOU have for your students and yourself. Then you’ll have everything you need right in the space that you have available. Win-win!
With these tips and ideas, you can create a homeschool area in your existing space that will work for all your needs, and hopefully will make your entire home life a bit less overwhelming for everyone.
If you homeschool, where do you do it in your home?
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