Crafting, Crafts & DIY

How To Curve Text In Cricut

When it comes to crafts and DIY projects, there really is no better tool to make the job as easy and seamless as possible than a Cricut machine that can allow you to cut through virtually any light material to make perfect shapes and patterns rather than buying a pre-made design.

I must admit however, as someone who loves nothing more than making their crafts and designs stand out and to be as eye-catching as possible, it was initially a little difficult knowing exactly where each and every feature was, and that includes how to curve text.

That being said, after a lot of years of practice, I’ve managed to nail this technique.

Curving your text is so important to help make a design look as eye-catching and stylish as possible, so if you own a Cricut machine, this article will teach you all about how to utilize this must-use feature that is built into the Design Space program.

What To Keep In Mind Before Curving Text

Before you start adding some curvature to your text to make the design as vibrant and eye-catching as possible, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind before you start. 

First, whenever you use a Cricut machine, you will need to install the Design Space app which is the partner program to Cricut that allows you to edit your designs so the machine knows what to create.

Design Space is my favorite- it’s completely free and can be downloaded on either Mac or Windows devices.

Additionally, curved text can still be edited further once you curve it unless welded or flattened so that you can continue to rotate the words or add extra spacing. 

Finally, as of right now Cricut does not allow iOS devices to actually view projects containing curved text, unless the text has been welded, sliced, ungrouped or isolated so that it is appearing as an image rather than a text box.

On the other hand, it can be seen on Android devices, but if you try to edit the curved text then the curvature will be removed. 

If you’re going to add some curved text, it is therefore advised to do it on a computer or desktop just so you can clearly see and edit the text in the project. In my opinion, this makes it so much easier.

How To Curve Text When Using Cricut

After using the curve tool myself more times than I can count, the good news is that it can be applied very easily and simply requires you to toggle through a few menus. 

Step 1) Click On ‘Text’

First, you will need to bring up a textbox by clicking on the ‘Tool’ icon with the big T icon in the left sidebar of the program.

Remember that to curve multiple lines of text, they will need to be in their own separate text boxes otherwise it won’t work. 

Step 2) Enter Text

Type your message in the text box with the appropriate font and style that you think would look the best.

How To Curve Text In Cricut

Step 3) Select The ‘Curve’ Tool

At the top to the right of the ‘Alignment’ option will be the ‘Curve’ tool. Click on this and it will take a few seconds to register the text before popping up with a slide bar that you can use to adjust the curvature of the text to your liking. 

Step 4) Slide The Bar Either Left Or Right

Sliding the bar to the left will cause the text to curve upward while sliding to the right will make it curve down. The diameter field to the right of the bar gives you a good indication as to how much curvature the text has compared to its original state which will change depending on the length and size of the words. 

For example, when the words are curved upwards, the diameter indicator will now have a ‘-’ sign to let you know how far it has gone in that direction. 

Step 5) Use The Diameter Field To Match Text

When you’re planning on curving multiple lines of text, it’s important that they are the same size and curved in a similar fashion so that they don’t stand out or look uneven when they’re placed in the Cricut machine. 

The diameter field can help you perfectly adjust the curvature on each box of text so that they are evenly matched up in whichever direction you take them. If you want to curve the text in the opposite direction, all you need to do is reach the same number but either add or remove the ‘-’ symbol depending on which way you’re curving it. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Worth Curving Text?

The simple reason curving text as part of a DIY project is always worth doing is that it stands out a lot more than straight text and looks like you’ve put a lot more effort into crafting it. You can also make some extremely creative designs using text that is curved such as having two blocks of text above and below each other that curve in opposite directions to almost make a circle shape which is a lot of fun to try out for parties and gatherings. 

It also means your designs won’t look too long and makes them look a lot more appealing than if it was hanging straight. It also grants you a bit more space for other decorations which is never a bad thing.

Can You Curve Multiple Lines Of Text In The Same Box?

As of right now, users are not able to use the curve tool if there are multiple lines of text in the same text box, so you will need to make sure they are clearly separated first. Trying to curve multiple lines of text in a single box at once will often mean that the curvature fails to appear, however luckily, separating the text can easily be done in virtually no time.

Why You Should Curve Text 

The simple reason curving text as part of a DIY project is always worth doing is that it stands out a lot more than straight text and looks like you’ve put a lot more effort into crafting it.

You can also make some extremely creative designs using text that is curved such as having two blocks of text above and below each other that curve in opposite directions to almost make a circle shape which is a lot of fun to try out for parties and gatherings. 

Curving text also means that it doesn’t look too long if the word itself is a little longer, so if you decide to hang it up for example, it gives you a lot more space to use other decorations alongside the text.

Finally, if you do decide to hang the text, curving it makes it a lot easier and far more aesthetically pleasing than if it was hanging straight.

The curvature gives the words a little more personality and just makes the overall design a little more interesting in general. 


Curving text using a Cricut machine is incredibly easy to do and always well worth doing so that you can make your text designs stand out that much more when you come to use them as part of a DIY project. 

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