Pros and Cons of a Backyard Pool
I’m not big into swimming, but my hubby and kids certainly are. Because of that, I’ve been wanting a backyard pool for awhile, and now that we have at our new house we’re learning everything that comes with pool ownership – the good and the bad! There’s so much that goes into it, so it’s important to be informed before making the decision. To help out, here’s some of the Pros and Cons of a Backyard Pool.
I’m sure there’s obvious things you already know to expect, like the hassle of maintaining your pool and the joy of swimming – but let’s see if there’s some you weren’t aware of. Let’s start with the good stuff, shall we?
Pros of a Backyard Pool
- Don’t have to pack up and drive to a pool
- All your pool stuff is there & handy
- You can swim whenever (within reason, depending on your neighborhood)
- Pool parties, having friends over
- No dealing with people or strangers you DON’T want in the pool with you
- Can do better crowd control – because you’re the boss!
- Pets can Join – can’t take pets in the pool with you at most public places, here you have the choice
- Less grass in yard = less mowing/weeds
- More exercise for everyone
- YOU are the boss!
Cons of a Backyard Pool
- Lots of maintenance – scrubbing, handling chemical balance, resurfacing after so many years, cleaning nets & system, keeping from freezing in winter
- This can go under cost, too, if you hire the work out
- Cost – replacing parts in system/vacuum/chlorine floaters, as well as water and some electric costs, possibly higher insurance rate
- Can be a hazard for children or pets – maybe consider a pool fence
- Less yard space to enjoy
Our backyard pool definitely requires much more maintaining and work than I planned on. That being said, my family gets so much joy from it, and we’re definitely making great memories in our backyard that makes it completely worth it all!
What are YOUR best & worst parts of a backyard pool?
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