Health & Fitness, Parenting, Time Management

How to Truly Find Balance in Your Life

Does anyone else experience those times in life when you just sit there thinking ‘how the heck can I handle everything?’ With all that we busy moms are asked to do, it’s an extremely frustrating task to find balance with it all. And not every person has the same responsibilities or desires for their time! One mom may need to provide some or all of the family’s income. Another may be the main household ‘manager’. Still another may be a full-time chauffeur due to their kids’ many activities. Most of us do more than one of those things, too! So how do we manage our responsibilities with spending quality time with our families AND making time to care for ourselves? Here’s a few tips on How to Truly Find Balance in Your Life – hopefully they’ll help us with this stressful balancing act a bit!

How to Truly Find Balance in Your Life #parenting #motherhood #life #management #balance #happiness #mom

We hear a lot of talk about “balance” these days. Balancing your personal life with your mom duties, balancing work and home life, balancing this-and-that – but what does it really mean? The first, and most important, thing to know about balance is that it is not static. It comes and goes and weaves in and out of your life as things change throughout your day, week, and months. You need to understand that it evolves and regularly be aware of it. Learn how to self-check to see if you are feeling balanced.

Just because you “find balance” doesn’t mean you will feel the same tomorrow. You may need to find it again. In time, it will get easier and easier to form good, positive habits that help you maintain balance in your life, but it is still a daily process. It isn’t something you just find and keep forever. It’s a constant struggle, like a constant balancing act we have to do – and it can change constantly as our roles, responsibilities and life challenges adjust.

how to find balance in your life

Next, you also need to know that healthy eating and getting enough sleep each night will help you. It sounds basic – that’s because it is. It’s simple enough, yet many people struggle with it. You need to have your body and mind in the right place and this begins with healthy living.

Don’t be afraid to say no. Many of us moms find our lives getting kicked out of balance because we take on too many responsibilities or try to do too much. It’s important that we learn to say no and be comfortable doing so when the time comes. You can’t do everything, nor should you try.

Okay, so that sounds a lot easier than I think it is – but I think these few things are the most important steps for working towards balance. It’s okay if we don’t always get it perfect, but what matters most is that we’re trying – for our families sakes, as well as our own!

How do YOU best find balance in your life?

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