Easy Chocolate Strawberry Brownie Cakes
Chocolate and strawberry – what a great combination! And since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, I thought it’d be fun to share this super simple-to-make dessert that not only tastes incredible, but is just like having a match made in heaven! Make these Easy Chocolate Strawberry Brownie Cakes for your special someone, or just enjoy them with your girlfriends – heck, save them all for yourself, if that’s what you’d prefer! Whatever you choose, this dessert is perfect for really any time of year.
Don’t they LOOK amazing, too? Using the heart-shaped cookie cutter gives them that extra Valentine-y appearance, but you could use any shape to change up the occasion as you’d like. You don’t need it to be a holiday to enjoy a tasty dessert recipe. And as a bonus, it only takes about FIVE ingredients!
A perk for right now – strawberries seem to go on really good sales at the grocery store during Valentines, so it’s a great time to nab some so you can garnish these treats. I’m personally a HUGE fan of strawberries – how about you?
Note – makes about 4 stacked cakes
- Brownies – cut into shape of choice (I made two 13×9 pans of brownies, and my cutter shapes were roughly 3.25″ in diameter so I got about 12 pieces)
- 2 packets (0.3 oz each) Strawberry Gelatin Powder
- 2 cups Heavy Cream
- 1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
- 4 tbsp. Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix
- Strawberries, sprinkles – for garnish, as desired
- Make sure the brownies are fully cooled.
- In a mixer with a whisk attachment, whip the heavy cream, pudding mix and powdered sugar on medium-high power about 2 minutes. Add the strawberry gelatin powder and beat until light and fluffy.
- Take one brownie piece and spread some frosting over it. Place another brownie piece and spread frosting on that. Top with a final brownie piece, then some frosting on top. Garish with sprinkles and strawberries, as desired.
- Repeat for the other stacks: brownie, frosting, brownie, frosting, brownie, frosting – garnish on top.
Store any leftovers, covered, in the fridge. Feel free to add some red food coloring if you want a darker pink/red for your frosting.
If you want a stronger strawberry taste, you can add another small (0.3 oz) packet of strawberry gelatin powder. Likewise, if you want very little strawberry flavoring, leave one of the packets out of the recipe. Don’t be afraid to make it your own!
You can even use any excess frosting (or make more) and frost all the SIDES of the brownies stacks, too – making it look like a tall, frosted mini cake ready to enjoy.
The kids were so excited to get an early Valentine-themed dessert, and hubby was thrilled that there was a treat that did contain chocolate, but had enough strawberry element that he loved it (for those that don’t know, he’s not a fan of most chocolate things – but this was a hit)!
I’m looking forward to trying the frosting with different flavored gelatin mixes to shake things up – who knows, maybe a different type will be the new favorite.
What’s YOUR favorite chocolate strawberry recipe?
Other Easy Dessert Recipes…
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